And thank you.

Together, we’re bringing Calmpanions™ – and Calmpanionship™ – to comfort and calm the people we care for and about.

Calmpanions are in development. Built on decades of personal and professional experience.

You’ll be getting all the details and updates. (Look for our timely emails.) Today, here’s more of the big picture.  And what you can do now.

The Aha! How it all began.

Calmpanions were born after Stephanie Frank had experienced years of end-of-life caretaking for her mother and husband at the same time, and the resulting caregiver burnout.  

It was, naturally, a stressful, anxious and often lonely time.

One thing that gave her comfort was a simple, soft, cuddly companion.

With her personal familiarity – and her deep professional experience as a behavioral expert – Stephanie recognized a need and an opportunity to solve it.

“Imagine, she thought, if this toy could also talk!”




What if it could be more than just soft on the outside — but also smart on the inside?

Able to actually help calm and comfort people, and interact based on their unique needs and personalities.

They would be more than companions. They would be Calmpanions.

That would surely help anybody and everybody who was suffering from anxiety, worry, fear and loneliness.

The Ahhhhh Team.

Stephanie was already an acknowledged authority on human and animal behavior, technology and business. Her co-founder Bryce Kuhlman’s wealth of knowledge includes technology, data science, software and robotics. Bryce had even been a working magician and was involved in several high-tech personal transformation projects. And their team featured specialists in systems, personal development, brand strategy, product development, market introduction, licensed characters and healthcare. All passionate about amplifying the human experience.

They put the simple, soft, cuddly companion on the table and said, “Let’s make this talk so people can always feel like they have a friend who knows and understands them.”


Together, they created the patent-pending Behavior Change Engine – combining both Artificial and Emotional Intelligence with a personal transformative, session based experience.

They looked at all the options people turn to for calming. Then chose the most effective features of the most effective solutions. And gave birth to a whole new breed of digital calming companions engineered to befriend you, relax you, ease worries, promote peace of mind and wellbeing, and help relieve anxiety, reduce stress and alleviate loneliness.

Today they are bringing Calmpanions to life, and to market.

Meet Calmpanions™.

We keep you Company. Comforted. Carefree. And Calm.


On the outside, Calmpanions look and feel like a cute cuddly cub or plush pet you can carry everywhere. And you can. On the inside, they’re actually programmed with unique “Calmpanionship” modalities. They’re the only personal, portable, affordable anxiety solution that blends both artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence.


My Calmpanions bring to life our exclusive, patent-pending “AI/EI brain,” the world’s first artificially and emotionally intelligent Behavior Change Engine.

This proprietary union of positive psychology and intelligent technology is adaptive to every individual who wants to transform from trauma to calmness, and from anxiety to serenity.

My Calmpanions are in development now, with an initial focus on cancer patients – and the people and professionals who care for and about them.

Why an initial focus on cancer patients?

Although Calmpanions are designed to help practically anyone, our first focus is on cancer patients (and their families and caregivers) primarily because our own team has both personal and professional experience with — and a passionate understanding of — this issue. Looking ahead, our overarching mission to “positively impact a billion people” ensures scaling up Calmpanions worldwide.

Keep calm and stay connected.

Again, thank you. Stay connected to our Calmpanions Community to:

  • Get the heads-up for our Kickstarter campaign.
  • Find out when you can get yours at a special introductory “Early Adopter’s” price.
  • Keep up to date with news and tips about living a more peaceful, mindful and stressless life with Calmpanionship.

And here are two things you can do right now:

    Connect with us for volunteer, sponsor, partner and investor opportunities, too.

    Donate to help bring Calmpanions™– and Calmpanionship™ – to comfort and calm the people we care for and about.

    Copyright 2020 – The Holisec Group, LLC


    3370 N Hayden Road 123-401
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251

    866 855-8372
    Local: 480-963-3590

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